Monday, December 13, 2010


Greetings Crossroads family!  Leslie and I spent a wonderful weekend with Hal and Sandy Mayer (you remember Hal from last weekend), and their staff and volunteers at Church at the Bay in Tampa (CATB).  They did something called a 'Barnabas Weekend' for us and three other church planters.  Why 'Barnabas'?  Barnabas was a leader in the early Christian church.  You can read about him in the Book of Acts.  His Jewish name was Joseph, but he was such an inspiration, the Apostles gave him the nickname 'Barnabas' which literally means 'Son of Encouragement'.

I want to thank Hal and Sandy, our host family Neal and Cathie McCullohs, the entire CATB staff and volunteers for really investing their time, opening their homes and their hearts, and pouring out generosity and encouragement on Leslie and I as well as Chip and Brittni Stallings, Steve and Amy Pridmore, and Barry and Linda Townsend. CATB is totally commited to training, encouraging and supporting church planting.  They understand that more people come to faith in God through Jesus Christ at new churches than anywhere else.  They get that church plants are the front lines in the battle to win the world to Christ!  Thank you CATB for all you do to equip churches to fight the good fight of faith!!  If you like, you can see a bit of the service HERE.

One of the greatest things about this weekend was the fact that none of it would have happened if it were not for YOU.  It's such a privilege to serve God with the faithful people of Crossroads!  Leslie and I think about you and pray for you continually!  We are so proud of you, and we thank God for you every day! 
  • Thank you Pastor Ben Rice for studying and preparing and sharing a wonderful message at Crossroads this weekend!
  • Thank you to all of the faithful people of Crossroads who serve, most of the time without any recognition, in the nursery and toddlers area, in the kindergarten area, in elementary ministry, in mentoring middle school kids, in youth ministry, in the lobby, in setting up and tearing down each week, in leading us in music and singing, in running the technology that supports our services, in meeting and greeting and serving and loving, in small group leadership, in showing up and growing up, YOU ARE THE CHURCH and the CHURCH IS BEAUTIFUL!
  • Thank you to Crossroads hard-working, dedicated staff.  You have been entrusted with keeping and spreading the flame of God's passion and vision for Crossroads and you do a wonderful job!
I am grateful for all the kindness shown to us this weekend, but I am so aware that the biggest encourgement we get in the ministry is to stand alongside each other and serve!  I can't wait to see you all again on Sunday December 19th!  It's going to be a very special service so it's a GREAT time to invite friends and family.  We'll have some songs, some laughs, and we'll share about the GREATEST GIFT EVER!

Have a GREAT week!

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