Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What To Pray for Crossroads, Part 1: UNITY

Have you ever felt like you should be praying for your church, but didn't know specifically what to pray?  I'm going to do a series of posts on exactly what we should be praying together for Crossroads. For the Christ-follower prayer is not optional.  But I know there are many who simply don't know what to pray or when.  There are also many to whom it may never have occurred to pray for their church. Also, there are those who have prayed that we would have a more focused approach concerning prayer specifically for the church.  So for all of you...your prayers have been answered.  :)


Pray for UNITY in the Body of Christ, and specifically in that portion of the Body of Christ represented by Crossroads.  Pray that the leadership of the church would be in perfect unity with one another. Pray that those who serve would be in unity with one another and with the leadership of the church.  Pray that those who attend would be in unity with one another, with those who serve, and with the leadership of the church.  Why?

John 17:23 records that Jesus prayed to our heavenly Father, "I am in them and you are in me.  May they experience such perfect UNITY that the world will know you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me".

If, as we have always said, Crossroads exists to connect people to God, to each other and to the world around us, we will have to be in UNITY. The prayer of Jesus reveals that our UNITY will demonstrate to the world that God sent Jesus to the earth.  To live a sinless life, to die upon the cross, to be buried, to be raised, to be the only sacrifice acceptable to God for the forgiveness of our sins. And that when you and I are together in UNITY, the world will know that God loves us as much as He loves His Son, Jesus.  UNITY is our greatest witness of God's love and the assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ.  UNITY in the Body of Christ (the church) speaks louder than the greatest sermon ever preached.  UNITY in the Church is more beautiful than the most glorious work of art.  UNITY at Crossroads is more powerful than the greatest weapon the supernatural forces of darkness ever conceived. UNITY is the ultimate picture to all humanity of God's love for us.


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