Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Celebrating Recovery and Marriage

Had a great time last night.  Leslie and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary at a Celebrate Recovery meeting at LIA Ministries headquarters in Dothan.  They do an incredible work there ministering not only to the homeless, but to those in recovery and those still suffering from the ravages of alcohol and drug addiction.  I had the privilege of sharing a brief message with the people there.  I shared a bit about our personal past and the battles Leslie and I faced with drugs and alcohol (and each other).  And I talked about DIRECTION (you know, Blue Lights Specials and canoes and waterfalls).  Ken and Martha Tuck were gracious hosts, and everyone seemed to receive the message I shared with open ears, minds, and hearts.  One man, who I didn't know, but was well known to the folks at LIA, made a decision to trust Christ for the first time.

Leslie and I have been very fortunate to share some wonderful and very special anniversary celebrations in the past.  But it doesn't get much better than last night.  Oh...and the steak at Outback afterwards was pretty great, too.  I love Leslie more today than I ever have, and I am humbled at God's great grace and mercy towards all of us.  Taking my first day off in a few weeks today. Picking Max up in ATL as he returns from Haiti.  Can't wait to hear all about his trip.  Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Gene and Leslie for being with us last night. Your message was great. The man you talked with for a while after the meeting talked and talked about that conversation as we took him home last night. Patrick was homeless and living in the woods here in Dothan until we met him last summer. Your message and the way you took time to talk with him really ministered to him. And, as for the young man who received Jesus for the first time. Wow! He's one who has been running and running, but has kept coming on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The word God gave you to share was what he needed to hear to finally accept Jesus and trust in Him. Praise God! Now his brother is next. It was a great night, and your message was awesome. Your delivery was awesome. Everyone related with you and understood the message you preached. Many people told me that we needed to get you back to speak, so know that God honored yours and Leslie's committment to sharing your special night with 72 other people and that your message was received. And, know that you and Leslie have an open invitiation to come back to the LIA Ministry Center. And, maybe some Crossroads Roadies can come next time. God bless and safe travels. Tell Max that his boss is glad he is back home.


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