Thursday, February 25, 2010

Follow and Fish

Jesus told the first four disciples, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men".  Of all the things they might have expected Him to say, that was probably last on the list.  Yet they dropped everything and followed Him.  It couldn't have been because they intuitively understood what He meant.  It must have had something to do with the fact that he just miraculously filled two boats to the sinking point got it, fish.

No one became a Christian so they could "fish for men".  We did it because someone said when you die you go to heaven or you go to hell and hell's a bad place but if you become a Christian you can go to heaven and that's good and we said, "Okay, I'm in".  Or we cried out to God 'cause our marriage was messed up, or we didn't have a job, or we were addicted to something, or our hearts were broken, or we had some kind of need and Jesus came in and began to put us back together and we said, "Okay, I'm in".  We didn't do it because he said, "fishers of men", we all did it for selfish reasons, and He knows that and it's okay, but there's more.

Jesus would say, "I care about the stuff in your life, I care about what you care about, I want peace and good things for your life, and for the time you spend on this earth between birth and death, but my agenda is to make you into something you're not already...a fisher of men".

Jesus goal is the same now as it was when He called those first four guys, and it isn't to make us more spiritual, or make us holier, or make us smarter, or more disciplined, or a better person, but His goal for me and for you is to follow, and to do in the lives of others, what someone has done in your life.  The reason you ARE a Christian is because someone else followed...and fished.

Thank you Andy Stanley for explaining that in such a simple way, and thank you Jesus for making us all fishers of men as we follow You.  That's what we're gonna talk about this Sunday at Crossroads at the College Cinema at 9:00AM and 10:30AM.  Come early for coffee and donuts.  See you there!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hey guys, just a quick note to let you all know about the Enterprise Project for Haiti.  Remember, even though the news has cooled off, there are millions still suffering, living in tents or other makeshift shelters, dealing with torrential rain, lacking proper clothing and nourishment.

On Friday night from 6PM to 8PM at the First Assembly of God in Enterprise there will be a Benefit Service.  All monetary donations received at the service will be used to provide relief for earthquake victims. Bringing this close to home, one-third of all the money raised will go directly to the Christian Haitian Outreach, the church and orphanage Max Oden recently visited to bring aid and document the work going on there.

This event is a multi-cultural, interdenominational service.  I will be sharing some scripture, the Project for Haiti Community Choir will sing.  Some other area Pastors including event organizer Pastor Demetrius Ford will share some remarks, and a four or five minute video piece by Max Oden of scenes from Haiti will be shown.  Don't miss this opportunity to participate in providing help for people that so desperately need it. 

Monday, February 22, 2010


Much to celebrate from this weekend at Crossroads!  The weather was just beautiful as we pressed in to our very first Sunday of two services.  Here's just a few of the things I noticed on Sunday:
  • GREAT turnout for both services.  I was blown away by how many got up and out the door for the 9:00AM service!
  • Tons of energy in the room.  I think everyone was engaged in what was going on and excited to be there!
  • Several people rededicated their lives to Christ on Sunday morning!
  • Will and Chris's opening video about not having an opening video was hysterical.
  • Later in the service, the Bill Dance fishing blooper video actually made me laugh my butt completely off.  I have no more butt.  Too, too funny!
  • Love doing a series about our part in reaching people for Christ. 
  • Quotable quote #1: We speak for Christ when we plead "Come back to God". (Paul in 2 Cor)
  • Quotable quote #2: "Think of Crossroads as the spiritual equivalent of Bass Pro Shops".
  • Love the Crossroads/Bass Pro Shops artwork.  It would make a great T-shirt!
  • Quotable quote #3: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish...and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day".
  • Confession: I got totally LOST in the second service on Sunday on several occasions.  I think it's probably just a matter of getting used to doing it twice and staying focused.  Hang in there, I'll figure it out.
  • Definitely going to have more fishing show bloopers next week.
  • Thanks to EVERYONE who dug in and made Sunday work!!!

If I had a chance to add something to Sunday's service it would be this:  Crossroads began with a vision to reach those who are not reached with the Gospel.  It's YOU and ME that are going to do the reaching.  One person, one conversation, one relationship, one invitation at a time.  This week remember to share YOUR story with someone, and invite them - not just to church, but to hang out with YOU!  After ARE the church.

Have a GREAT week and have a GREAT TIME at small groups this week!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Recorded in his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul said "Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers.  Their responsibility is to equip God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12, NLT).

Jesus said He would make us, "fishers of men".  Paul says in essence, "go to church and get equipped".  Equipped for what?  Equipped to become fishers of men.  Christ-follower, next time you come to church, think of Crossroads as the spiritual equivalent of Bass Pro Shops.  Here, this might help. 

Happy fishing!  See you Sunday for two services at Crossroads, 9:00AM and 10:30AM.  Come early for coffee and donuts!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I was thinking this morning about the easy way and the hard way. And the fact that - for me - the easy would be so much...easier. Don't worry about context here, this is a universal application.  The easy way to better health, the easy way to spiritual growth, the easy way to financial security, the easy way to (insert name of thing you wish was easier here).  Know what I mean?  Fact is, I don't think there is an easy way to anything.  No, not even salvation.  Oh, it's easy enough to pray a prayer and believe in your heart and call upon the name of the Lord, but what one typically goes through to arrive at the "easy part" isn't always easy. And the road forward?  Those of you working out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phillipians 2:12-13) can weigh in on how easy it is to be a follower of Christ.

And I was thinking about some of the people in my life that lovingly give me a hard way to go.  I'm not talking about people that I have conflict with, or people that rub me the wrong way (don't even pretend you don't know people like that in your own life), I'm talking about a small handful of people who seem to be there for the express purpose of keeping me from doing things the "easy" way. People that challenge me.  Not just people who don't agree with me (no particular shortage there for any of us I'm sure), but people who make me dig deep, who make me a student of life, who make me a disciple of Christ, who literally make me work know, my salvation...with fear and trembling.  

Now the context: I am learning to discern the difference between commentary I do not agree with, commentary I have been trained not to agree with, and commentary that I don't know if I agree with or not...because it just simply soars WAY over my head.  I don't know about you, but I have found that when confronted with ideas that are taller than I am, I have two choices: ignore them and live with the implications, or do the hard work of growing, of stretching, of expanding, of finding common ground, of relating, of learning, so that next might not fly right over me, and I might actually have something to add, or more importantly something that adds to me.  Sounds time consuming, right?  Sound hard, doesn't it?'s actually the easy way.  The hardest way is to withdraw from the great questions of humanity and the great conversation that beckons our participation; for in that withdrawal lie the seeds of ignorance, of injustice, of intolerance, of prejudice and of both moral and spiritual poverty.  Maybe the most applicable way we can "love each other", it to listen to each other.    

My conclusion?  The easy way is never really easy, it's just easier than the hard way, by a margin of...oh, say several thousand light-years.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In the 5th Chapter of Luke (Luke 5:1-11) there's a great retelling of the events of the day Jesus told Peter and his crew to head out into the "deep water" and let down their fishing nets for another catch. Peter tells Jesus, "Look we were out all last night fishing, and we didn't catch a thing".  Then Peter pulls himself up short, remembering Who it was that told him to go back out, and he says, "But, if you say so, we'll head back out on the water".  And they did.

And the Bible recounts that what filled their nets was so great a haul of fish, they needed to bring another boat alongside to help bring it in.  They were tired and worn out already from fishing, but one word from Jesus sent them back out and into deep water.  Peter and his men didn't go back out on the water to bring back empty nets, they went back out expecting to catch fish.  Jesus knows ways GO FISH most of us never even thought about.  I can't wait to dig into His fishing wisdom this weekend at Crossroads.

Two services this Sunday.  Hmm...sounds a lot like two boats!  

Monday, February 15, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day yesterday!  Great day Sunday at Crossroads after a snowy weekend in South Alabama.  Here's just a few of the things I noticed:
  • GREAT turnout for an impromptu four-day weekend.  Biggest crowd so far this year!
  • MANY first-time attenders, and many SECOND-TIME attenders (WOW, you guys came back...AWESOME!!)
  • Several people made the decision to rededicate their lives to Christ on Sunday at Crossroads!
  • Love walking around the building on Sunday morning (including making a trip over to the Children's Annex).  It's always so encouraging to see people digging in and do the work of the ministry!
  • The atmosphere in the lobby before AND after service on Sunday was electric!  Many new faces, all were smiling!
  • The worship band sounded better than ever Sunday morning!  A really generous couple in the church bought us a new snake (no, not a real snake, Crossroads isn't a "bring your own snake" kind of church), an important piece of sound equipment that made EVERYTHING sound so much better.  The clarity in the mix was GREAT!  Loved the opening song by Janna!  Also loved Nic and Caleb closing out the service with a great song.
  • There was great energy in the room as we talked about TRUE LOVE.
  • Loved sharing the TRUE STORY of Valentine.  I'll bet you never look at Valentine's Day the same way again.  It's a great day to celebrate ROMANCE, but it's also a great day to celebrate the sacrifice of those martyred for the cause of Christ!
  • I can't believe we had our last 10AM service on Sunday.  Next week TWO SERVICES, one at 9:00AM and one at 10:30AM.
  • I was blown away by how many people indicated they would be at the 9:00AM service next Sunday!
  • Several people signed up for small group participation.  I think every group is nearly full.  What a great response!  Can't wait to start small groups next week!
  • Brand new Two-Week Series called GO FISH starts next week!  

Guys, now is the time to really dig in.  The BEST THING about going to two services is that people who serve on Sunday don't give anything up.  You can "work one and sit one".  Get involved at Crossroads by helping out with set-up and tear-down, or dig in with the Lobby Team, or serve in Children's ministry.  You don't have to do it every week.  How about once a month?  Opportunities to serve at Crossroads just DOUBLED.  Check out this Blog and Email Blasts later in the week with numbers and email addresses of leaders ready to help you get involved by serving at Crossroads!  Have a GREAT week and invite someone to Crossroads next Sunday! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What To Pray For Crossroads, Part 3: FAMILIES

Continuing a series of posts about what to pray for Crossroads: Pray for families.  Family is God's idea. Family is where we learn how to respond to God; to run to Him, or to run from Him.  Jesus said, "A family splintered by feuding will fall apart" (Luke 11:17, NLT).  It seems that all around us, even in the church, families are splintered by feuding and falling apart.  Gods plan is that His love, His mercy, His forgiveness, His grace, His goodness, His glory, His miraculous power would be remembered and past on to each successive generation.
"So each generation should set it hopes anew on God,
not forgetting his glorious miracles
and obeying his commands.
Then they will not be like their ancestors,
stubborn, rebellious and unfaithful,
refusing to give their hearts to God".
(Psalm 78:7-8, NLT)


Pray for the families of Crossroads.  Pray that the hearts of parents would be turned to their children, and the hearts of children would be turned to their parents.  Pray that husband would love their wives and give themselves for them.  Pray that wives would love and respect their husbands.  Pray that husbands would take their God-ordained place as the spiritual leaders of their homes.  Pray that parents would teach their children about God, and follow Christ with all their hearts.  Pray that parents would see and understand that the way they live their lives reflects directly on their children's beliefs about God, and their faith in His promises.  Pray that husbands and wives pursue peace in their relationship and that "the God kind of love" is at the center of every decision they make together.  Pray for harmony in the homes of all who attend Crossroads.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Celebrating Recovery and Marriage

Had a great time last night.  Leslie and I celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary at a Celebrate Recovery meeting at LIA Ministries headquarters in Dothan.  They do an incredible work there ministering not only to the homeless, but to those in recovery and those still suffering from the ravages of alcohol and drug addiction.  I had the privilege of sharing a brief message with the people there.  I shared a bit about our personal past and the battles Leslie and I faced with drugs and alcohol (and each other).  And I talked about DIRECTION (you know, Blue Lights Specials and canoes and waterfalls).  Ken and Martha Tuck were gracious hosts, and everyone seemed to receive the message I shared with open ears, minds, and hearts.  One man, who I didn't know, but was well known to the folks at LIA, made a decision to trust Christ for the first time.

Leslie and I have been very fortunate to share some wonderful and very special anniversary celebrations in the past.  But it doesn't get much better than last night.  Oh...and the steak at Outback afterwards was pretty great, too.  I love Leslie more today than I ever have, and I am humbled at God's great grace and mercy towards all of us.  Taking my first day off in a few weeks today. Picking Max up in ATL as he returns from Haiti.  Can't wait to hear all about his trip.  Peace.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Fantastic day at Crossroads today!  Here's just a few of the things I noticed:
  • GREAT crowd today!  Tons of first-time attenders!  Many people rededicated their lives to Christ this morning!
  • The band ROCKED this morning!  Loved opening with a Journey tune.  Thanks to Nic & the band for letting me play. (I AM the 80's)  Woot!  Great to play with two of my sons!  GREAT to have Janna back on the platform!
  • So much fun to start a new series about L-O-V-E.  Eros, Phileo, Storge, Thelo were cool to TALK about, but AGAPE is what it's ALL about! 
  • It was fun remembering and sharing about meeting Leslie in High School.  It's seems like a really long time ago ('cause it is), but I'll never forget wanting her to BE MINE!
  • Tech team and Auditorium set-up team did a great job this morning, as did everyone who brings their energy and enthusiasm to setting up Crossroads each Sunday morning: Lobby team, Hwy 68, Filling Station, and the Children's Annex!  Great job by all!
  • Many more signed up for Small Groups today.  Can't wait to start!
  • A privilege to pray for the Ordway's as they step out into a whole new area of ministry!
  • There was an energy and excitement at Crossroads today that adds to the building momentum we are experiencing.  Can't WAIT to see what God does next!
It is such an honor to serve as your pastor.  As we head into a new season of growth at Crossroads, I am reminded of the awesome sacrifices made not only by Crossroads founders, but by the dozens who have come alongside over the past 18 months to serve and to grow the Kingdom of God in Enterprise. Thank you for your faithfulness.  Look forward to GREAT things in the weeks and months to come!  Have a stellar week.  I'll be continuing some posts this week about What To Pray for Crossroads so check back often! 

On a personal note: Join Leslie and me and our whole family as we continue to pray for our oldest son Max, and the small group he is with, while they are in Haiti. Pray that they have favor with local officials.  Pray that they are able to effectively deliver needed supplies to the orphanage they are there to serve.  Pray that Max is able to photograph and video this important story that needs to be told for the benefit of 134 orphans left homeless by the earthquake. Pray for their safety, and their safe return.  Thanks.  Peace.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

What To Pray for Crossroads, Part 2: THE HARVEST

For the Christ follower prayer is not optional, yet if we're honest, we don't always know what to pray.  This is especially true when it comes to praying for our church.  In this continuing series of posts about what to pray for Crossroads, we provide some helpful suggestions.


Pray that God would give the leadership of Crossroads a clear vision for reaching the lost.  Pray for courage and boldness for believers, that they may consistently share their faith with others.  Pray that Crossroads would reach out to the lost in our community, doing whatever it takes to reach those who are far from God.  Pray for a unifying vision for all churches in our community to make winning souls to Christ their number one priority.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field".  Matthew 9:36-38, NIV

Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them.  He said that the fields were white (or ready to be harvested).  He likened a world full of lost and hurting people to crops in a field ready to be gathered in.  He indicated that there was a GREAT harvest to be had, but that laborers, those who would "bring the harvest in", were in short supply.  Pray that all who attend Crossroads come to understand that WE are the laborers Jesus was talking about.  Pray that all who attend Crossroads come to understand that WE are responsible for sharing the Gospel of peace, and winning for eternity an abundant harvest of souls.  The Bible says in Proverbs 11:30, "he who wins souls is wise".  Pray for that kind of wisdom to be in abundant supply among all who call Crossroads home.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What To Pray for Crossroads, Part 1: UNITY

Have you ever felt like you should be praying for your church, but didn't know specifically what to pray?  I'm going to do a series of posts on exactly what we should be praying together for Crossroads. For the Christ-follower prayer is not optional.  But I know there are many who simply don't know what to pray or when.  There are also many to whom it may never have occurred to pray for their church. Also, there are those who have prayed that we would have a more focused approach concerning prayer specifically for the church.  So for all of you...your prayers have been answered.  :)


Pray for UNITY in the Body of Christ, and specifically in that portion of the Body of Christ represented by Crossroads.  Pray that the leadership of the church would be in perfect unity with one another. Pray that those who serve would be in unity with one another and with the leadership of the church.  Pray that those who attend would be in unity with one another, with those who serve, and with the leadership of the church.  Why?

John 17:23 records that Jesus prayed to our heavenly Father, "I am in them and you are in me.  May they experience such perfect UNITY that the world will know you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me".

If, as we have always said, Crossroads exists to connect people to God, to each other and to the world around us, we will have to be in UNITY. The prayer of Jesus reveals that our UNITY will demonstrate to the world that God sent Jesus to the earth.  To live a sinless life, to die upon the cross, to be buried, to be raised, to be the only sacrifice acceptable to God for the forgiveness of our sins. And that when you and I are together in UNITY, the world will know that God loves us as much as He loves His Son, Jesus.  UNITY is our greatest witness of God's love and the assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ.  UNITY in the Body of Christ (the church) speaks louder than the greatest sermon ever preached.  UNITY in the Church is more beautiful than the most glorious work of art.  UNITY at Crossroads is more powerful than the greatest weapon the supernatural forces of darkness ever conceived. UNITY is the ultimate picture to all humanity of God's love for us.


Monday, February 1, 2010

WEEKEND UPDATE (Late, Late Edition)

Hey guys, crazy busy day today so the weekend is getting updated well into early Monday evening.  It was a stellar day at Crossroads that started well and ending way beyond expectation.  We wrapped up our year-opening, life-direction series 2010 on Sunday and then headed over to the Annex where 200 people showed up for lunch and GROUPLINK!  What an incredible way to kick off the Spring Semester of small groups at Crossroads!  I didn't expect that kind of turnout.  My bad.  Next GROUPLINK before our Fall Semester we'll be meeting at the new Enterprise Civic Center.  

You know, this series we just finished was a powerful look at the difference between what we THINK and what we DO, between Life-INTENTIONS and Life-DIRECTON.  It was also a call to CONGREGATE rather than ISOLATE.  I thought instead of rambling on about what I thought, I'd share with you some comments from our communication cards on Sunday:
  • "We felt like you were talking directly to us".
  • "Worship was really AWESOME!"
  • "Praise God for Crossroads!"
  • "Loved the service".
  • "Helped me open my eyes and helped to show me that being alone isn't always the best way to go".
One of the great privileges of pastoring Crossroads is reading your comments each week.  Don't ever think they aren't important.  When you have concerns or opinions, we care.  When you have needs, we pray.  When a message moves you to a place of life change and you tell us about it, we are sustained.  Special thanks to Rhonda Childers and Sherry and Joe DeCesare for all their help and hard work to make GROUPLINK a success!  February is going to be an INCREDIBLE month at Crossroads.  What a great way to kick it off!  A new series BE MINE, Financial Peace University, Spring Semester of Small Groups, all as we prepare to go to TWO SERVICES!

Love & Peace.  Have a GREAT week!