Monday, December 21, 2009

WEEKEND UPDATE (Xroads Xmas Xtravaganza)

Well Sunday morning at Crossroads was just about the most fun ever! Great time with the Crossroads family, tons of laughs, and a the wonderful truth of God's word to send us off for the holidays!  Here's a few quick take-away's:

  1. We had a BUNCH of first-time attenders.  What a thrill when people come to Crossroads for the first time!
  2. So MANY regulars out traveling for the holidays, but we STILL had 248 in the service!  Wow!  
  3. We miss our many flight school students and their families.  Praying for a great and safe trip home and back for all of them!
  4. So great to have the young people from the Filling Station and Hwy 68 in the service.
  5. Maggie and Sam and the Crossroads worship band did a GREAT job Sunday!
  6. We had some technical glitches that were totally drowned out by the raucous laughter during the service.
  7. Caleb Bannin blew us all away singing "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas".  Absolutely absurd...and totally Crossroads!
  8. LOVED the movie's in a minute!
  9. Matt Mendenhall is a VERY secure man!  Interpretive dance rendition of 12 Days of Christmas was so FUNNY, grown men were crying for it to stop.  Ridiculously, hilariously funny!!
  10. Elves is a classic bit that never fails to wipe the crowd out.  Crossroads Christmas Elves were sublime!  TONS of laughs!
  11. Ending the service having everyone up on stage dancing was the highlight of the week for me!  Now THAT'S how church should be!!
All that said, it was a privilege to share a message of hope yesterday!  Though anyone who attended yesterday's service knows we don't take ourselves too seriously at Crossroads, we do take God's word seriously.  And we take seriously our responsibility to share the good news with everyone we possibly can.  It was great to share from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke.  My big takeaway? Nothing is impossible with God!

Everybody dance now...

XROADS XMAS GOODBYE from Gene Oden on Vimeo.

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