Monday, December 7, 2009


Merry Christmas to All!  We began December by closing out our series PAY IT FORWARD and we have never had so MUCH positive feedback on ANY series we have ever done at Crossroads.  In fact, the past six weeks have seen changed lives, and a turning point in the course of our church community.  We have seen the fruit of people making a heart decision to begin living generously.  

I have never been more confident that in the weeks, months and years to come, the church at Crossroads will be known - as the early church was - as a place where the LOVE OF GOD is expressed to the community around us through our generosity and goodwill to ALL people!  Here's a few quick take-away's from the weekend:
  1. The sanctuary looked FANTASTIC decorated for CHRISTMAS.  Kudos to Will, Sarena and everyone who made it happen!  
  2. Sam did a great job with the opening song yesterday, and Maggie did a great job leading worship!  We had some band tightness and sound issues, but it was the first time that particular group of people played together.  Bottom line: those two sang their heads off and worship was wonderful!
  3. Maggie has an amazing voice...but did you hear the girl PRAY?  Wow!  God was IN it!
  4. LOVE the new Announcement Segment with Nat Lurie!  So helpful in getting the word out about important stuff.  We do email blasts, and print bulletins, and show slides, and make videos, but none of that seems to be as effective as this.  Natalie makes you want to pay attention.  Good graphics, too!
  5. I was seriously off my game yesterday and I apologize.  I guess I was worn out from the trek to ATL to see the big game.  I was totally stoked to be at church, and really excited about the message, but it was better in practice and in my head than it was on the platform. was short!  Haha!
  6. Although my whiteboard drawings were somewhat less than pedestrian, I think the point got across: A healthy church is OUTWARDLY FOCUSED.  
  7. I like this too: If you're feeling bad about you...go help someone else.
  8. Had to laugh when I asked who participated in 7 Days - 3 Random Acts of Kindness and only a dozen people out of 200 raised their hands (LOL).  Nonetheless, here is my conclusion, based on giving over the last six weeks, and the overwhelmingly positive response to our benevolence fund:  I have never seen MORE GENEROUS PEOPLE than I have at Crossroads!  It is obvious that people at Crossroads are far more interested in LIVING GENEROUSLY than in simply "doing nice things".  That's HUGE!
  9. Here's some stuff most people don't see or know about:  Every Sunday morning, people show up early to help setup and stay late to help tear-down.  That's just life for a portable church.  But I've noticed (because our staff and leaders are making sure I understand...and because I personally stayed until the bitter end yesterday) that folks are bailing big time on the tear-down part.  Just sayin'.  
  10. For those of you who stay and help...we could not do church without you.  For those who leave and do not help...we cannot keep doing church without you.  
  11. We have HUGE opportunities for folks to serve at Crossroads.  Come see me, or Matt, or Hollie, or Brian, or Michelle, or Gary, or Carrie, or Rachel, or Ben, or Pastor H, or Will and we will hook you up!  The more folks that get involved, the less any one individual has to do.  Don't worry: this ASK is not about changing diapers or wiping runny noses.  This is about LIFTING things and PUTTING THEM AWAY.  Easy.   
  12. Our setup and tear down time could be cut in HALF with the help of a couple of dozen people willing to work one Sunday a month.  Bring it, guys!  Keep living that generous life by pouring out LOVE on those around you, and Start your own VOLUNTEER REVOLUTION by serving one Sunday a month!
  13. Other stuff you don't see: Kudos to Gary, Carrie and Rachel who rolled up their pant-legs and cleaned a poo-water flood in the restrooms!  THAT'S loving God!  I'm humbled...and really glad you guys are willing to do the hard stuff.         

Okay, on that high-note, I'm gonna wrap this up.  Hey, spend time with family and friends this holiday season.  And remember, we have three really great services coming up in December so invite Big.  Next week, Pastor Matt shares a great message, and I will rock your face off as I lead worship for the first-time in a couple of years with a smokin' line-up of musicians!  Sunday December 20th, it's our BIG CHRISTMAS SERVICE WITH ELVES and you DON'T want to miss it.  Wrapping up the month, we have a very special Christmas Eve Communion Service planned for 7Pm December 24th at the Annex.  Plan to attend all three.  Have a GREAT week!  Oh...and here's my favorite Christmas picture of the season so far.  It's Will and Natalie's little friend 'Buddy' telling Santa what he wants this year!

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