Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"The church that helps people..."

Heard last week that someone referencing our church said, "Oh Crossroads, yeah.  That's the church that helps people, right?"  wow.  There it is.  You know what else?  I heard two more times last week the exact same thing from different people.

Last Thursday a mother and her daughter (who is also a mother) came into the building.  Like many who have come before them, they were short on food and really needed help.  As per our practice, we welcomed them and gave them a place to sit while they filled out a quick form.  Our resources only allow us to distribute food boxes to a family one time per month, so we keep track of who's come in so we can help as many as possible.

They left a few minutes later with two sets of food boxes - enough food for each of their two families for one week, when they add perishables, such as milk, eggs and bread. 

This past Sunday was "Food Box Sunday", the last Sunday of the month - a day we have designated to help everyone remember to bring in their food box supplies for packaging and distribution.  This past Sunday, we didn't recieve much food.  Only enough to make a couple of boxes - which were distributed to people who came to the building Monday morning.  Our food boxes were gone before 10 AM.

The people of Crossroads have been so great about embracing generosity and serving the needs of others in our community.  It's so important for us to remember that we don't just go to church here...but we are a vital part of the community.  Even if you live far away from the church, the church is here, everyday to love and serve the needs of others.  Help us make that happen.  We're short on  food.  Please don't wait 'til the end of the month to respond. 

"For I was hungry, and you fed me." MT 25:35

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