Friday, July 15, 2011


A few weeks ago, Crossroads launched a new billboard campaign on our electronic digital billboard at Hwy 84 and Boll Weevil Circle.  There are five slides in rotation that say:
  • On behalf of Christians we apologize for HATING GAYS.
  • On behalf of Christians we apologize for BEING RACIST.
  • On behalf of Christians we apologize for BEING HYPOCRITES.
  • On behalf of Christians we apologize for IGNORING THE POOR.
  • On behalf of Christians we apologize for THINKING WE'RE BETTER THAN YOU.
It has come to my attention that there are more than a few Christians who are offended by the billboards.  I totally understand.  They're absolutely correct.  First off, there should be a comma between the word 'Christians' and the word 'we'.  Clearly, a glaring grammatical error.  Secondly, we should apologize for being 'RACISTS', not 'RACIST'.  If it's a 'we' we're talking about, then the word should be plural.  Grammer has never been my strong suit.  I promise that on Monday we will discontinue this billboard series so we can make the appropriate corrections.  (Just keeping it light, guys.  I recognize there is more, but I admit I am somewhat flummoxed by the reaction from Christians.)

There is a concern that some have expressed (I should say, not to me personally), that our billboard series "casts Christians in a bad light", or "gives people who are poor, or gay, or racist a reason to dislike Christians".  Here's where I fall on that: People who do not attend church don't really need a reason to dislike Christians.  We've already given them plenty of them.  In our ministry we hear about those reasons all the time.  And that's just kind of the whole ever-lovin' point of the billboards.   

The church (WHICH INCLUDES ME - BECAUSE I'M THE WORST OFFENDER), in my opinion, has consistenly dropped the ball - and excluded many as a result - through our failure to be intellectually honest.  We claim to love God, and often hate other people.  Maybe you don't personally.  Good for you and those you have influenced.  But there's is way more to the body of Christ than your experience alone.  Taken in context of how the church has treated people that aren't just like them over the years, we have a lot of work to do.  I think not acknowledging that is a prime reason so many shy away from church.

Those billboard apologies, and the website they are linked to, are not directed at those God-fearing Christ-followers determined to love other people no matter what the cost to personal reputations.  This is not about you.  They are directed at those who have been hurt by the church, who have been ignored by the church, who have been passed over by the church, who have been left out by the church, who have not been loved by the church.  And there are MANY of them...yes, even right here our community.

People aren't disposable.  Everyone, regardless of their status in life, the color of their skin, their political affliation, OR their SIN deserves an opportunity to hear the Gospel message of Christ.  If you or your church are not into all that, fine.  But one day, just like you, I'm going to have to stand before God and give an account for what I did with the skills, abilities, gifts, and resources that He gave me while I was on this earth.  And I'm not going to face that day without doing EVERYTHING in my ability (empowered by the Holy Spirit) to reach the UN-churched and DE-churched in our community with the truth of God's Word and His message of grace for ALL who will come to Him.

Someone needs to do it.  Don't hate on us.  Pray for us.  We're reaching people and providing an environment where the ignored, ambivilent, disinterested, and disposed of can experience the kind of life-change that is only possible when their life intersects with the power and the love of God.  And I thank God every day that there are intelligent, deeply motivated, committed, mature Christians willing to stand alongside us and help us do the work.  

That may not be what your church is called to do.  But it IS our assignment at Crossroads.  We're not trying to steal people away from anyone.  We never have.  We're not trying to be bigger than anyone else.  We don't care.  And it's important that you know that we are grateful that you are following God, and making disciples while you make a home for those you are called to serve.  Why would you want anything less for us?  Why would the church, the family of God, Christ-followers disparage our work? 

Paul instructs us on the danger of criticism HERE.  Don't fall into the trap of gossiping about other churches, or their congregation, or their methodology or (most importantly) their calling.  I love that people have choices in our community.  It's important, because we are all so different in so many ways.  At Crossroads, we have shared the truth of the Gospel with those in our community for more than three years now.  And we haven't done it in a vaccuum.  Every message that we have shared from the platform is available HEREWe preach and teach the truth of God's Word.  Our doctrinal beliefs are posted on our website and lived out in our church family every day.

Our styles may be different, our target may be different, but we are fighting the same enemy, and it isn't one another.  Remember Paul's admonition, "Above all you must live as citizens of heaven conducting yourself in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ.  Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose,  fighting together for the faith which is the Good News".  (Phil 1:27, NLT)

The peace of God be with you all.


  1. Love the billboards! As long as you guys continue to do what God has called you to do, unfortunately the critics will remain.

  2. Amen! Keep doing what you are doing. People will talk, but can't stop the work God has called Crossroads to do and you to lead. Martha and I, and Love In Action, love and appreciate you, Leslie and Crossroads.

  3. Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable

  4. TBH the billboards actually made me want to look up the website they promoted. All too often, especially around here in Coffee county, Christians are easy to get offended by things mostly because they themselves are guilty of it. most of the offended were probably brought up with the idea that blacks and whites shouldn't attend the same church, that gays can't be Christians, ect. That is one of the primary reasons I stay away from the Christian faith... because they fail to do the one thing their Lord and Savior told them to do "Love one another". Instead they chose to literally condemn someone to hell just because they don't fit their idealized idea of what a "true Christian" is. Hypocrisy... the biggest turn off to Christianity. I do hope you continue your billboards soon regardless of whether you offend other Christians or not... they truly do help your message.


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