Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mid-Week Update

Greetings!  Been out of the loop for the last couple of days as Leslie and I made a visit to Birmingham for UAB's Student/Parent Orientation.  It was awesome, but a little like drinking from a firehose.  Lot of information in a short amount of time.  We'll do our best to digest it and make the most of it!

This past Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with an extra-special service for dads (and those who have them), called Father Knows Best.  If you are a dad, or you ever had one, you know all too well that Father Knows Best is a seriously moving target.  Fortunately we have a Heavenly Father who absolutely DOES know best.  If you weren't able to be with us Sunday, check out the message by clicking HERE.

If you've been following the Intersection, then you know I've been sharing with you a multi-part series on Crossroads Plan for a Permanent Home.  Check out PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3 by clicking on the links.  We'll be continuing that series of posts this week.

Summer Semester of Small Groups will begin the week of 10 July and go for eight weeks.  We'll be providing an in-house DVD-based study guide called DRIVE.  It's packed with awesome essentials to help provide Fuel for You Journey...with God, with Others and with the World around you.  Great stuff!  If you are currently a small group leader and you have not contacted Pastor Ben Rice about whether you will be leading a summer semester small group, please do so as quick as you can.  Also, please let him know who in your small group wants to attend the summer semester.  If you've never been in a small group before, but you sent in an e-request, or you signed up in the lobby, we'll be contacting you with information about your summer semester small group in the next week.

Stay connected with everything going on at Crossroads and make sure you use all of the resources available to you that are provided on this blog, in our weekly email blasts, and at our WEBSITE!  If you have TEENS or CHILDREN at Crossroads, there are fantastic resources that you can use to stay connected, and informed about what's going on in your kids areas of ministry at church.

Have a GREAT week!

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