Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hi all!  Had to make an out of town trip Monday and got back Tuesday afternoon, so I wasn't able to post the regular WEEKEND UPDATE.  Sunday was a fantastic day at Crossroads, though.  I though I'd share a few of the many things that stood out, and give you a heads up on a few other things:
  • Started a two-week series called LADIES FIRST.  So GREAT to take time to share with women about women from a Biblical perspective.  Had an amazing amount of positive feedback from women who attended.  Comments ranging from, "What an empowering message", to "encouraging words while my husband is deployed", to "powerful and striking", to one who expressed thanks for "condeming the objectification of women".
  • I LOVED sharing the message that God uses ordinary women to do extraordinary things!  If you missed it, WATCH IT HERE.
  • Don't believe that objectification of women is a problem in our modern American culture?  Seen a beer commercial lately?  Guys, it's all the same.  Controlling, dominating, using or abusing women is ungodly in any culture.  The distance between Burkas and Budweiser ads may not be as great as you think.  Just sayin'.
  • God has a different plan for women, and He is able to take them from unlikely backgrounds and impossible situations and protect them, preserve them and propel them forward to accomplish His plan and purpose for their lives.  Great cues for guys about how to treat the women in our lives - whether wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, cousins or co-workers.  Our part in the lives of women is to follow God's model: Preserve, protect, propel.  We do as we facilitate their personal and spiritual growth by being encouragers, building them up so they can accomplish ALL that God has for them to accomplish.  What a GREAT assignment for men!
Couple of other important things going on: Don't forget this Sunday is Mother's Day!  For some it's a time of celebration and remembering mom.  I have a great mom, and I've been married for 30 years to a woman who is a wonderful mother.  But I recognize that for others, Mother's Day it's a challenging time of sorting out mixed emotions.  For some, it's a seriously difficult time as they remember challenging or abusive relationships, or even tragic circumstances.  Whatever your personal situation is, I encourage you to attend Sunday's service, as we celebrate the godly examples of motherhood, and work through some of the not-so-great experiences that many have gone through.

Finally, as you continue to determine how you might involve yourself in SERVING those in Alabama who have been devastated by the killer tornado's that swept through much of our State last week, remember also our loved ones and church family members serving our country who are still dealing with recent tragedies at home and abroad.  Check out Pastor Matt's latest blog post from Afghanistan HERE

Love and great peace to all!


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